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Club Social Media Policy

Club Social Media Policy

Helen Simcock8 Jul 2015 - 07:23
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Please take a minute to read through the club's social media policy.


This policy is designed to provide helpful, practical advice to members in respect of using social media effectively and positively. As a club we encourage the responsible use of social media.

The club realises that social media has become increasingly popular in recent years, because it allows people to connect in the online world instantly. It can be hugely beneficial in disseminating information about the Rugby Club and/or specific age-groups. It is also a popular forum for developing personal and business relationships.

It can take many different forms, including internet forums, internet blogs, social blogs, podcasts, pictures and video. There are a wide range of platforms that the term ‘social media’ relates to. However, Chester Rugby Club recognises that the most popular channels currently used are – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and to a lesser extent YouTube.

Chester Rugby Club recognises that we all live in a society that promotes free speech and freedom of expression, but we would caution that anything that you write has the potential to enter the public domain. Consequently, we would request that all social media commentary relating to Chester Rugby Club is of a positive nature - please think carefully before making comments that may lead to unintended consequences.

Any grievance, criticism or resentment should be directed in person to the individual or respective managers or coaches. Matters of a more serious or contentious nature should be discussed with the Club’s Executive Committee.

We would request that you refrain from any negative comments about, players, parents, coaches, managers, referees, clubs, etc.
We would request that you avoid gossip, slanderous comments, disruptive comments, threatening comments, and anything that could be construed as abusive, harassing, obscene, libellous, or an invasion of another’s privacy (this includes text, audio, photographs and video). Whilst the club realises that a certain amount of ‘banter’ may take place on some forums, we would request that any language used is moderated, please remember that these forum can be viewed by a range of age groups from both genders; if you wouldn’t use that language in your own home then it should not be appearing in the public domain.

If a negative comment is made, we would ask you not to comment on it either way, or to escalate an issue.

Serious instances of irresponsible use of social media platforms associated with Chester Rugby Club may be referred to the Executive Committee, although any action taken by the committee will be judged on a case by case basis.

Chester Rugby Club requests that you use social media outlets positively, be responsible, share your achievements, celebrate success, be gracious in defeat, be honest, and enjoy communicating and interacting.

No Club Member may initiate a social media outlet that is directly linked and intended to be used by Chester RUFC members without the express permission of the Club Executive Committee. Any accounts, past, present or future, set up using the clubs name must provide the Club Executive Committee with their account log in details.Administrators of social media outlets must ensure the content complies with the club’s social media policy.

Further reading